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the I am love campaign

The I AM Love Campaign is about creating conversations and social change to bring about true equality for all, regardless of orientation, gender, religion or race. The campaign is unique in that it helps facilitate this dialogue through artistic endeavors and educational outreach.


One of the core missions of the campaign is to help dispel religion-based bias, which seems to be at the heart of every argument for blocking full equality to LGBTQ+ individuals, in particular—this is the conversation we are trying to facilitate. This dogma then in turn alienates them from exploring their spirituality within a faith organization, for fear of condemnation or rejection. One of the most positive outcomes of the campaign’s efforts thus far is helping LGBTQ+ peoples rekindle their faith by connecting them to communities that are accepting and supportive of who they are.


108 Productions travels with the campaign and brings it directly into the communities that are calling out for it, or that might directly benefit from it, with a particular emphasis on regions that have issues with equality and a desire for developing an educated dialogue. Our aim is to change the story on bullying and ignite conversations within communities that will move them to a higher understanding and acceptance of diversity.






In each city, over a period of two or three days,

the I AM Love Campaign presents:


  • Performances of 108 Productions’ internationally acclaimed production of Terrence McNally’s play “Corpus Christi,” which depicts Jesus as a gay man living in modern-day Texas as a metaphor for how inclusive love for all people is not only right, but possible

  • Screenings of our documentary feature “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” which chronicles a five-year journey of the play met with both zealous protest and support on one of the central issues facing the LGBTQ+ community today—religion-based bias

  • An open-forum Townhall Diversity Dialogue with local leaders to help heal the rift between LGBTQ+ and faith communities

  • The I AM Love Awards, which honor local advocates who promote diversity and acceptance within the community

  • Cast-led workshops for local youth teaching self-empowerment skills through yoga, mediation, comedy and a talk addressing non-violent protest techniques


The campaign is co-chaired by Terrence McNally and Tom Kirdahy. For more information, and to receive an I AM Love Campaign Press Kit, please email us.

about 108 productions

"art is the ultimate expression of life."


Founded in 2006, 108 Productions desires to uncover the truth and beauty in communities who are often misunderstood or stereotyped. With theatrical, film and multi-media endeavors, we aspire to challenge personal beliefs, thoughts and ideas, including our own, to create a shared experience among all communities.

© 2020, 108 Productions. View Privacy Policy & Terms of Service


This material including all text, audio materials, audiovisual materials, photographs, images, names and likenesses are NOT to be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission and consent of 108 Productions.

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